List of various academic-research institutions, government offices, agencies, and organizations that I have visited and collaborated in academic, research, consultation and training activities in the application of remote sensing and GIS technology for environmental and disaster monitoring and others since 2001.
Academic Institutions
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand
The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE),
Master and Doctoral thesis consultation
The KMUTT Geospatial Engineering and InnOvation Center (KGEO)
Crop health monitoring using remote sensing data
Faculty of Liberal Art, Geography Department, Thammasart University (Rangsit Campus)
Pathumthani, Thailand
Special Lecture
Marine Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok, Thailand
Master thesis supervision
Land use land cover field survey
Yasuoka Laboratory, Institute of Industrial Sciences, The University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan
Research on global environmental monitoring using remote sensing
Hokkaido University
Sapporo, Japan
Knowledge exchange on ocean color monitoring using remote sensing
International Symposium Sentinel Earth, Detection of Environmental Change
Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan
Field survey for soil moisture study in paddy field.
Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
Bangkok, Thailand
Knowledge exchange
Graduate School of Creative Cities, Osaka City University
Osaka, Japan
Doctoral thesis consultation
Dept. of Urban & Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
Bangkok, Thailand
Master thesis supervision
School of Remote Sensing, Suranaree University of Technology
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
Doctoral thesis supervision
Environmental Technology Field of Study, Mahidol University
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Master thesis supervision
Department of Environmental Science, Silpakorn University
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Special lecture and research collaboration
Mahasarakham University
Mahasarakham province, Thailand
Special lecture
Natural Resource and Environmental Management (NREM), Maefahluang University
Chiang Rai, Thailand
Visiting Lecturer
Doctoral thesis supervision
Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University
Bangkok, Thailand
Research on Ocean Color Monitoring in the Gulf of Thailand using MODIS data.
University of Sririnakharinwirot Prasarnmitr
Bangkok, Thailand
Knowledge exchange
Faculty of Engineering, Sripatum University
Bangkok, Thailand
Knowledge exchange
Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Naresuan University
Phitsanulok, Thailand
Special lecture
GIS Field of Study, School of Information Communication and Technology (ICT), University of Phayao
Phayao province, Thailand
Special Lecture
Khon Kaen University
Khon Kaen province, Thailand
Remote sensing training
Royal Thai Army War College
Bangkok, Thailand
Special lecture
Research Institutions
Dundee Satellite Receiving Station, Dundee University
Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
Satellite ground receiving system technology and maintenance
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
MODIS data processing for global environment monitoring
Direct Readout Laboratory, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), NASA
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
MODIS data processing for global environment monitoring
Wildfire Monitoring using Terra/Aqua MODIS in Southeast Asia
South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI), University of Maryland College Park (UMCP)
College Park, Maryland, USA
Land Use/Cover Changes, Environment and Emissions in South/Southeast Asia – An International Regional Science Meeting
Tsukuba Space Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
MODIS data processing for global environment monitoring
Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MODIS data processing for global environment monitoring
Institute of Geography,
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)
Hanoi, Vietnam
Field survey on forest fire
Research mini-project
The Ecology Laboratory, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC)
Pathumthani, Thailand
Research project on agriculture and remote sensing
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
Pathumthani, Thailand
Knowledge exchange on spatial data processing
Southeast Asia START Regional Center
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Collaboration research on Air quality monitoring using remote sensing
Le Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
Lille, France
Knowledge exchange on MODIS data processing for global environment monitoring
Remote Sensing Applications and Technology Development Center, Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN)
Jakarta, Indonesia
Training on forest fire monitoring using satellite imagery
Hydro and Agro Informatics Institute (HAII)
Bangkok, Thailand
Research project on Rice field mapping in Chao Phraya River drainage basin - A Case Study in Pathumthani, Nakhonnayok, Ayutthaya and Saraburi province, Thailand [pdf]
The Information and Computer Center (ICC), Ministry of Nature and Environment of Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Training on MODIS data processing for global environment monitoring
The National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency of Sri Lanka (NARA),
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Training on ocean color monitoring using satellite imagery
Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (CRISP), National University of Singapore (NUS),
MODIS data processing for forest fire monitoring in Southeast Asia.
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
Tsukuba, Japan
Air quality monitoring.
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Hebei, China
Remote Sensing and agriculture
National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI)
Vientiane, Lao PDR
Remote Sensing and GIS Training
Research Institution of Forest Resource Information Techniques, Chinese Academy of Forestry
Beijing, China
Training Workshop on Forest Mapping using Geospatial Technology in the Asia-Pacific Region
Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasath University, Rangsit Campus
Pathumthani, Thailand
Research Journal paper peer-reviewer
Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC)
Wangchan Valley, Rayong, Thailand
Academic Visit
Government Offices and Agencies
Royal Forest Department of Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
Training Workshop on Forest Mapping using Geospatial Technology in the Asia-Pacific Region
Office of Agricultural Economics (OAE)
Bangkok, Thailand
Consultation in Rice field mapping in Chao Phraya River drainage basin - A Case Study in Pathumthani, Nakhonnayok, Ayutthaya and Saraburi province, Thailand [pdf]
The Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Bangkok, Thailand
Forest fire monitoring in Thailand
Forest Fire Control Division - National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department of Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
Forest fire monitoring in Thailand
Meteorological Department, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
Bangkok, Thailand
Cloud detection and masking using satellite imagery
The Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
Bangkok, Thailand
Ocean color monitoring using satellite remote sensing
Department of Water Resources of Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
Spatial data collection
Irrigation Department of Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
Spatial data collection
Royal Mapping Department of Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
Spatial data collection
Pollution Control Department of Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
Air quality monitoring using satellite remote sensing
Ministry of Forestry
Jakarta, Indonesia
Forest fire monitoring using satellite remote sensing
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF)
Vientiane, Lao PDR
Remote Sensing training
Forest fire monitoring
Remote Sensing for agriculture
Water Resources Environment Administrations (WREA)
Vientiane, Lao PDR
Remote Sensing training
Forest fire monitoring
Remote Sensing for agriculture
Department of Meteorology and Hydrology
Vientiane, Lao PDR
Visit the Meteorological Data Receiving System
The Mekong River Commission (MRC)
Vientiane, Lao PDR
Environmental study in Low Mekong River basin
Mekong Institute (MI)
Khon Kaen, Thailand
Training Program Attendance
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)
Hanoi, Vietnam
Research project on forest fire monitoring using remote sensing
Office of Permanent Secretary, Department of Defense
Bangkok, Thailand
Remote sensing training
Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA)
Bangkok, Thailand
MODIS data application for environmental study
Crop health monitoring using remote sensing data
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF)
Tokyo, Japan
Research project on forest fire monitoring using remote sensing
Visit to the Terra/Aqua MODIS Receiving Station
Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction of Cambodia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Remote sensing and GIS training
Directorate of Aerial Reconnaissance, Royal Thai Air Force
Bangkok, Thailand
Special lecture
Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet)
Beijing, China
Training Workshop on Forest Mapping using Geospatial Technology in the Asia-Pacific Region
Vientiane, Lao PDR
Training on Wildfire Monitoring in Laos
Malaysian Meteorological Department
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Visit the Air Quality Measurement System
Department of Agricultural Land Management (DALAM)
Vientiane, Lao PDR
Remote Sensing and Spatial Data Analysis Consultation and Support
Private Company
Lexical Technology Pte Ltd
Satellite ground receiving system technology and maintenance
Satellite data processing system
Chuo Geomatics Co., Ltd
Tokyo, Japan
Student Assitance during doctoral study
Field survey
ZijiTeknology SDN BHD
Selangor, Malaysia
Satellite ground receiving system technology and maintenance
SeaSpace Corporation
California, USA
Satellite ground receiving system technology and maintenance
Telecommunications Engineering Sales & Services (TESS) Co. LTD
Bangkok, Thailand
Satellite ground receiving system technology and maintenance
Samart Corporation
Pathumthani, Thailand
Telecommunication technology for Satellite ground receiving system
SpaceFish LLP
Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan
Ocean color monitoring using satellite remote sensing
ScanEx Research and Development Center
Moscow, Russia
Satellite ground receiving system technology
Satellite data processing system
TSKAY Technologies SDN. BHD
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Field survey measurement equipment
IDP Laos
Pakse, Lao PDR
Rice Field Mapping in Lao PDR using Satellite Imagery
Bangkok, Thailand
Sugarcane Area Classification using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning - A Discussion on research project collaboration [pdf]
Hemel Hempstead, England, UK
Annual Meeting